Instructions to Register the Company as a Legal Person on ERMIS Portal

Instructions to Register the Company as a Legal Entity: 1/2

  • To register a company as a legal person, the director needs to enter the ERMIS Portal though and select the second box from the left, as shown on the screenshot below.
  • When the new page opens, the director needs to select the blue box at the end of the page («Εγγραφή Νομικού Προσώπου»).
  • Then, the director fills in the company’s email address in order to receive a confirmation code. It is suggested that the email used is a work email as this is the company’s account and this will be used for future communication and notifications between the participant the HRDA.
  • Once the email address is completed > click on the blue box on the left («Αποστολή Κωδικού»)
  • This email usually arrives within seconds (the title should be: «ΕΓΚΡΙΣΗ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗΣ:»). In this email there is a confirmation code that the director is requested to copy and paste on ERMIS Portal, on the second box appeared below the email address.
  • By clicking the confirmation button on the right (named «Επιβεβαίωση»), the big blue button below the confirmation code field is unlocked (named «Προχωρήστε στην εγγραφή Νομικού Προσώπου»). Please click this button to proceed.
  • On the new page, you must complete all the requested information in English and capital characters. The information must be right and true *
  • *Note 1: in the field named as «Νομική Μορφή» we usually select the option “Company”. If the legal person is not a company, please complete the field accordingly.
  • *Note 2: in the field named as «Αριθμός εγγραφής στο αντίστοιχο σώμα», you need to complete the company’s registration number, as it is presented on the official registration certificate acquired by the Registrar of Companies, or etc., based on each case accordingly. If the registration number includes any other characters, please include them to avoid the rejection of the registration form.
  • *Note 3: in the field named as «Κύρια Οικονομική Δραστηριότητα», please select the letter “M” from the menu and then “M69: Νομικές και λογιστικές δραστηριότητες”, if the registration is for a legal company. If the registration is for any other type of company, please select the right category.
  • Where the company is not a part of a group of corporations, please select “No” (named as «Όχι») and ignore the rest of fields in this section.
  • Moving on to the contact details, the director should fully complete the fields.
  • Then, in the “authorization code” field (named as «Κωδικός Εξουσιοδότησης»), the director needs to simultaneously log-in their personal account on ERMIS (using a different browser) in order to generate an authorization code (see screenshot below).

(Generate an “Authorization Code” (named as «Κωδικός Εξουσιοδότησης») using the director’s account or any other authorized person’s account)

(Company's Account)

  • Once the authorization code is applied in the company’s registration form, the director should be able to see a table (once they click on “Confirm” (named as «Επιβεβαίωση»)) with the contact person’s information, as presented below. Then the director should select whether or not they wish to receive SMS regarding the status of the registration form or any other matter relevant to the company in question.
  • Then, the director is requested to upload the Certificate of Incorporation and the Shareholder’s Certificate in the first and second fields below, accordingly. To do this, click on the white box with the blue outline (named as «Επιλέξτε αρχείο») to choose the document. Then, click the same button, which now has turned into a blue button with white letters to upload (named as «Ανέβασμα»).
  • If this was done correctly, the director will be able to see the uploaded document below the grey box, as presented below.
  • To submit the registration form, please select “Accept the terms” (named as «Αποδέχομαι τους όρους»), which can be found below the policy text on the right, and then "Submit", which is the green button named as «Υποβολή» and it can be found on the top left of the page.
  • End of Registration Process for a Company as a legal person 1/2

Completion of Registration of a Company as the Employer: 2/2

  • Once the HRDA accepts the company’s registration as a legal person, the director should log in the company’s account on the ERMIS Portal > click on the company’s name on the top right of the page > and select the first option to edit the company’s profile (named as «Προφίλ, Ρόλοι, Στοιχεία»).
  • When the page opens to this menu > click on the available roles, which is the second option on the menu to the left (named as «Διαθέσιμοι ρόλοι»).
  • Then, the director needs to complete a registration form to obtain the role of the employer on behalf of the company. From the listed options, click on the blue box under the first option (named as «Εργοδότης») to obtain the employer role (named as «Αίτηση για απόκτηση ρόλου»).
  • Once the registration form opens, the director is requested to complete the fields using correct and true information.
  • Then, in the field named «Πρόσθετα στοιχεία επικοινωνίας», the director needs to complete the necessary boxes, as presented below. Afterwards, in the subsection named «Στοιχεία διευθυντή», the director needs to simultaneously log-in their personal account on ERMIS (using a different browser) to create another authorization code.
(Generate an “Authorization Code” (named as «Κωδικός Εξουσιοδότησης») using only the director’s account)
(Company's Account)
  • Once the authorization code is applied in the company’s registration form, the director should be able to see a table (once they click on “Confirm” (named as «Επιβεβαίωση)) with the director’s information, as presented below.
  • Then, the employer is required to answer “Yes” (named as «Ναι») to all four questions. These questions dictate that the company is eligible to avail the €300.000 funding (per two years). The amount of €300.000 will appear automatically once all four questions are answered.
  • Then, the employer needs to appoint a contact person (named as «Άτομο επικοινωνίας») (either himself or another authorized employee), following the same steps as before. Also, the director is requested to add an email address in the field below. It is recommended to use the same email address as before.

(Generate an “Authorization Code” (named as «Κωδικός Εξουσιοδότησης») using the director’s account or another authorized person’s account)
(Company's Acccount)
  • Once the contact person provides the authorization code from their account, the director needs to copy and paste it to the field named «Κωδικός Εξουσιοδότησης». Then click the green button on the left of this field to confirm the code (the button is named as «Επιβεβαίωση»).
  • Lastly, the director is requested to complete the following fields with the company’s address, named as «Γραφεία, υποκαταστήματα – Πιθανοί χώροι εφαρμογής προγράμματος». This fields here are provided in case the employees of the company are designated with a different space to attend to the online courses provided on ERMIS Portal. If the address is the same, the director should use the address used before in this registration form.
  • Below the address fields, the director is requested to upload the last payment made to the Social Insurance (to the field named as «Επισύναψη αποδεικτικών στοιχείων»). This document contains a table describing the payments made to every employee of the company and it can be found through SISNET (the social insurance website).
  • End of Company’s Registration procedure 2/2
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