Do I need to be registered on the ERMIS Portal?

Yes, if you are registering for a course that is HRDA accredited, all participants (either receiving funding or not) will have to access and register as natural persons on the ERMIS Portal. If you are receiving funding and you are being registered for continuous professional/vocational training by your employer, your employer should also be registered with the ERMIS platform as a legal person. Contact us if you have any difficulty registering as a natural person or a legal person.

How does course funding work?

Every employer in Cyprus is obliged by law to contribute 0,5% of their total payroll costs to the fund (the law allows to set up a rate of up to 1%). The rate is the same for all contributors (all companies except government organisations and self-employed). The money is collected via the social insurance

In order to register for a course, your employer should apply to our training centre to register for the course, using the enrol now button on the course page. Once we receive your application, we will contact you to confirm your status on the ERMIS platform of the HRDA. We will guide you through the application process to enable you to register on the ERMIS platform for the course you are interested in.

We will then approve your application from the ERMIS portal and then confirm your registration. Once the course is completed, we will apply to the HRDA to receive your funding for the course in question. We receive your funding directly from the HRDA.

The maximum hourly grants are as follows:

Level 1: 12€/hour/person, Level 2: 17€/hour/person.

The two levels of participants are defined as: - Level of participants 1: a) for technical skills and knowledge: key personnel as craftsmen, laborers, clerical staff, service employees; b) personal skills: key personnel such as craftsmen, laborer’s, clerical staff, service employees, supervisory/managerial staff - Level of participants 2: a) specialized professionals/technical knowledge and skills: technical/science/ supervisory/managerial staff; b)supervisory/managerial knowledge and skills: supervisory/managerial staff; c) specialized/innovative topics: managerial and scientific staff.

Following the de minimis aid Council Regulation 1407/2013, a company cannot receive more than €200,000 in a three-year time horizon. If you have received more than this amount you will not be eligible for funding and will be called to pay the full amount of the course fee.

In order to receive funding you should visit our Terms and Conditions for receiving HRDA funding and read them carefully. Participants should also follow the instructions of the Center and the trainer alike.

Failure to follow instructions or if you do not satisfy the criteria can result in you not being funded for a course and subsequently not receiving the funding. You or your employer are responsible for ensuring that you will receive the funding for your participation in a course.

I am a trainee lawyer - am I funded?

Unfortunately, trainee lawyers are not funded by the HRDA. However we offer a 30% discount. Please get in touch with us at 70088871 for more information.

What happens if I do not have Ermis portal access?

If you do not have Ermis portal access unfortunately you will not be able to participate in an HRDA-funded course. You will however, be able to participate in a course that is not HRDA accredited.

What if I apply for funding and then am rejected by the HRDA?

In order to receive funding the student/employee must be present at his desk, on his own computer with a working camera. Cameras must remain on throughout the seminar. The student must also have a working microphone.  Should the student/employee not attend the seminar 75%, not have the camera on during the sessions, not have a working microphone or not follow instructions regarding the use of the online ERMIS Register he/she will not be eligible for funding and ELTC may request payment of the full fee from the employer.

What is Ermis?

ERMIS is the new digital platform of the HRDA which covers all operational needs and services by the HRDA using modern information communication technologies while reducing bureaucracy and operational/administrative costs. The digital portal provides easy access to all schemes and systems operated by the HRDA, with simple, user-friendly procedures, guiding the user through the registration process as well as the submission of applications, their processing and progress monitoring, including the payment of subsidies.

At this stage, the digital portal allows external users to register as an entity (physical person, legal entity, consortium, government body), under each user’s particular status (employer, trainer of vocational training, vocational training facility, vocational training centre and centre for assessment of vocational

What is HRDA funding?

When you join a seminar that is HRDA accredited and funded, you are able to be funded for up to 80% of the course fee. When a course is accredited by HRDA, it means that the course has been examined for its quality and structure. The Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA) sets maximum subsidy levels. Maximum subsidy levels are calculated as follows: maximum subsidy level= number of employees x duration of training programme x hourly subsidy per participant. In fact, for level 2 courses, the HRDA subsidizes 17 euros per hour per employee and for level 1 courses 12 euros per hour per employee. Contact us to find out if you are eligible for funding and for information on our funded courses.


Do I have to be a lawyer to attend your seminars?

No, you do not have to be a lawyer to attend our seminars. However, if the course is HRDA accredited, we must review your CV to ensure that you are able to attend the course that has been accredited.

Do you offer any discounts?

Yes, discounts are available for those participants not entitled to HRDA subsidy (for subsidized courses)

I am unemployed - Can I join this seminar?

Unemployed persons can join this course for free, provided that they have secured a referral from the Department of Labor (ΔΥΑ) for participation in a training program, with a start date of validity that is either prior to the start date of the training program or within 25% of the duration of the training program. Also, they must have obtained from the ΔΥΑ a form for the renewal of the unemployment registration (ES19), which confirms that they were unemployed at the start of the program. Additionally, they must not have already participated in two (2) training programs subsidized by the Human Resource Development Authority (ΑνΑΔ) within the same calendar year, as part of the Scheme, while they must meet any minimum requirements of the training program specification in terms of education level or experience, or in terms of specific skills that the candidates must possess. The registration process is complete once all the necessary forms are uploaded in the ERMIS portal.

When is my registration complete?

Your registration will be complete once you enrol on the course in the ERMIS portal, having followed all the required the steps.


Do all of your courses offer verified CPD points?

This programme may be approved for CPD Points. Eligibility criteria and CPD Points are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.

Will you register my CPD points for me?

Yes, our admin team will make sure that your CPD points are registered with the Cyprus Bar Association immediately after the end of the seminar.


Can I download course notes and materials?

No, course notes and materials are not available for download. We take the security and integrity of our course content seriously, and access to course materials is restricted to registered participants who are actively enrolled in our programs. This policy helps protect our intellectual property and ensures a high-quality learning experience for all students.

Can I review course recordings after the session?

Unfortunately, we do not provide access to course recordings for review after the live session. We believe in the importance of real-time interaction and engagement during our courses. This policy encourages active participation and fosters a dynamic learning environment. However, we do offer comprehensive course materials and resources to support your learning during and after the program.

Can I share course materials with others who are not registered for the course?

Sharing course materials with individuals who are not registered for the course is not allowed. Our course materials are intended exclusively for registered participants and are subject to copyright protection. Unauthorized distribution of course content is a violation of our terms and may result in legal action.

Do you have terms and conditions for seminar attendance?

Yes. You may find our terms and conditions here

Do you only have seminars for lawyers?

No, we are consistently updating our seminar library. We offer courses to paralegals, corporate administrators, accountants, compliance officers etc. The law is all-encompassing, and many professionals find the contents of our courses useful for their work. We also offer courses to people who are unemployed or looking to change professions. You should contact us to discuss which courses are right for you depending on your experience and professional goals.

How can I access course materials and resources?

Registered participants will receive access to our course materials and resources through our online learning platform. These materials are designed to complement the live sessions and help you reinforce your understanding of the topics covered. If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties accessing these materials, please reach out to our support team, and they will be happy to assist you.

How can I ensure I have access to course materials during and after the course?

To ensure uninterrupted access to course materials, please make sure you are enrolled in the course and have an active account on our online learning platform. If you encounter any issues with access, please contact our support team, and they will assist you in resolving any technical difficulties.

Is it possible to get a copy of the course recordings for personal use?

We do not provide course recordings for personal use. Our courses are protected by copyright, and distribution or reproduction of course content is prohibited. We encourage you to attend our live sessions and actively participate to get the most out of your learning experience.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the training?

Yes, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance from ELTRC or the relevant awarding body.

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